Brick pavers give a classic and natural look to new patios, driveways and garden paths. Made from compressed clay and heated at high temperatures, brick pavers are durable and they come in a range of natural, earth-toned colors. The brick pavers available range from simple solid bricks with flat edges, to interlocking pavers designed for easy installation.
True bricks are made from natural clay. The clay is shaped and then fired at high temperatures. Once the clay emerges from firing, it is strong and nearly impermeable. Because bricks are made from natural clay, there is a huge variety of natural shades and colors to choose from. Each region that produces bricks will have its own color, depending on the clay and soil used. Some manufacturers offer bricklike pavers made from concrete and dyed to look like natural brick. While perfectly suited for a project and an attractive material, these are not true bricks and lack the color variation of natural brick pavers.